Automotive SPICE® for Managers in Detroit from Dec 6th – 7th 18. December 2018
During the week from Dec 3rd to Dec 7th we lead a very successful training workshop “Automotive SPICE® for Managers” at a customer in Detroit. 20 managers met outside the office for 2 days, in order to focus on how to drive the change to establish accepted processes.
Firstly, we ensured that we are all on the same page according to motivation, objectives and roadmap. We shared some recent experiences and lessons learned and identified the different personal motivations for the same objective of having accepted processes well established. In a teamwork atmosphere a strategy, approaches and plans were developed and already some concrete actions were derived.
Two actions are remarkable: Each manager will add the topic “Automotive SPICE®” to their standard meeting agenda. They will ask their direct reports for concrete key work products which are required to be approved already in the current week. By this the managers will ensure to show their interest in process compliance continuously.
The second action has been addressed as request to the senior management: they shall ensure that the escalation process is effective e.g. by tracking whether the recent escalations have been decided in time. Consequently, the managers need to ensure that the escalations are well prepared for management decisions.
The workshop participants decided to review the progress and the achievements in a follow-up in Q1/2019.