Keynote Presentation at Automotive Innovation Summit Conference, Nov 26th and 27th, 2018 at Audi Forum, Neckarsulm
Keynote Presentation at Automotive Innovation Summit Conference, Nov 26th and 27th, 2018 at Audi Forum, Neckarsulm

The central topics of this Automotive Expert Conference end of November 2018 were:
a) Autonomous Driving
b) Electrification
c) Big Data
d) Cyber Security
Cultural and Ethical aspects of electrified and autonomous driving were shown as future main considerations in governmental activities as well as for the development of software algorithms.
The sensoric concepts of autonomous vehicles are currently very much different between the existing prototype applications all over the world and it seems appropriate to consider a maximal diversified approach in order to mimick human sensoric.
Each industrial equipment nowadays provides a huge amount of data during installation and operation. Therefore strategies and tools to use these big data amounts are required and methods for analytics were presented. Nevertheless the more data are generated and apt to communication and distribution the more vulnerabilities arise in the IT and in the general manufacturing arena. Risk and threat analysis were discussed in workshops and panel discussion were held to consider Cyber Security aspects.
Not only IT-based Security risks in Cloud Applications and Digital Manufacturing Systems are of concern, but in the scope of an obviously required – but not yet established – Security Culture in OEMs and Suppliers a Security Lifecycle needs to consider also Physical Security, Product Security and Process Security. Dr. Joachim Leder presented an overview of Cyber Security in Manufacturing with all relevant topics and the necessary ctivities among affected parties.
Cyber Security in Manufacturing
Goals of Security
• CIA Triad
The Evolving Vulnerable Flanks
• Possible attack goals
• From single parts to complete vehicle
Security Needs of Manufacturing
• Security Lifecycle
Establishing Security in Manufacturing
• Major tasks
Outlook for the Future
• Next security focus