Safety & Security

In safety-critical applications in vehicle electronics, the requirements of ISO 26262 apply. Our professionals support you in the consistent implementation of this safety standard.

We help you to effectively and efficiently integrate functional safety and cybersecurity (ISO 21434) into your processes so that your development becomes fit for the future challenges of electromobility, autonomous driving and the Internet of Things.

Upcoming Safety & Security Trainings

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28-Oct-2024 - 30-Oct-2024Automotive SPICE for CybersecurityENOnline, EARLY TIME1880 €

This is a real hands-on training for software developers who want to build competence in the field of functional safety. Daily work is done in small groups after a theory block and a concrete software task is worked through the entire software life cycle.

On the 5th day, we conduct an assessment and evaluate the work. Afterwards a certificate in the theory exam can be obtained.

After completion of this training, the software professionals know all requirements for secure software development and are able to perform this effectively and efficiently in accordance with ISO26262.

  • Safety Requirement Definition
  • safety architecture
  • safety analysis
  • Safe Programming
  • safety testing
  • safety planning
  • Safety Assessment Preparation

ID: 15.005.xx

  • 5 Days
  • Online, in-house and public
  • Seminar material
    (A4, spiral binding)
Target audience
  • Software Developers

Safety management should be fun. This training teaches how to build an effective and efficient safety management system according to ISO26262.

Ways are shown for a harmonious integration of the safety activities into the existing development process.

  • Basics and tasks of safety management with the associated elements of quality and process management
  • Efficiency and acceptance of the Functional Safety Lifecycle
  • Smart creation of a safety plan
  • Efficient integration of safety management into project management
  • Creation of the Safety Case
  • Preparations for the Functional Safety Assessment, including the preparation of participants
  • Guiding and steering of assessors

ID: 15.006.xx

  • 3 Days
  • Online, in-house and public
  • Seminar material
    (A4, spiral binding)
Target audience
  • Safety Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Executives