General terms and conditions
General terms and conditions of Knüvener Mackert GmbH for public seminars
§ 1 General1
All services provided as part of public seminar events are based on these General Terms and Conditions (“GTC”) of Knüvener Mackert GmbH.
By signing up, you accept these terms and conditions.
Amendments to the terms and conditions will be notified to the participant in writing or in text form, in particular by sending emails, including the amended provisions, and will be considered agreed if the participant does not object in writing within 14 days of receiving them. The customer is expressly informed of the consequences of the failure to object when informing them of the changes to the terms and conditions.
§ 2 Registration and conclusion of contract
Registration for the seminars can be made via the Internet (, in writing, or by e-mail to Knüvener Mackert GmbH.
After receipt of the registration, the customer receives a confirmation of registration. Upon receipt of this confirmation of registration, the contract for participation in the respective seminar is concluded.
To ensure the success of the seminars, the number of participants is limited.
Registrations will be considered in the order they are received.
The login data is stored electronically to process the registration.
To make it easier to choose a hotel, Knüvener Mackert GmbH will send seminar participants a list of hotels for the respective venue. The seminar participant must book the corresponding hotel themselves.
§ 3 Statutory right of withdrawal for consumers
Consumers within the meaning of § 13 BGB have a right of withdrawal in accordance with § 355 BGB.
Cancellation policy for consumers when concluding the seminar contract via means of remote communication (e-mail, fax, telephone, etc.)
You can cancel your contract (in this case registration for the seminar) within 14 days without giving reasons in text form (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail).
The period begins after receipt of this information in text form, but not before the conclusion of the contract and also not before fulfilment of our information obligations in accordance with Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with Section 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB. To meet the withdrawal period, it is sufficient to send the withdrawal in good time.
The revocation must be sent to:
Knüvener Mackert GmbH
Rote-Äcker-Strasse 13
72766 Reutlingen
Withdrawal consequences:
In the event of an effective cancellation, the benefits received by both parties must be returned and any benefits (interest) drawn must be returned. If you are unable to return or surrender the received service and uses (e.g. benefits of use) to us in part or only in a worsened condition, you must pay us compensation in this respect. This may mean that you must nevertheless fulfill the contractual payment obligations for the period until the withdrawal. Obligations to refund payments must be met within 30 days. The period begins for you when you send your declaration of withdrawal and for us when you receive it.
Special notes
Your right of withdrawal expires prematurely if the contract is fully fulfilled by both parties at your express request before you have exercised your right of withdrawal.
End of cancellation policy
§ 4 Contractual right of withdrawal
Registration can be cancelled free of charge up to 35 days before the start of the event; 50% of the participation fees are charged up to 28 days before the date of the event. After that, the full participation fee is due. The decisive date is receipt of the cancellation by Knüvener Mackert GmbH.
The revocation must be made in writing and should be addressed to:
Knüvener Mackert GmbH
Rote-Äcker-Strasse 13
72766 Reutlingen
Cancellations or no-shows for the seminar after this time cannot be considered and the full seminar fee will be charged.
This does not apply when naming a replacement part user. This is possible until registration at the start of the event.
§ 5 Appointment of substitute participants
After receipt of confirmation of registration, the participant can nominate a substitute participant in writing before the start of the seminar. This rebooking is free of charge; seminars lasting several days, however, can only be rebooked as a whole, i.e. occupied by a substitute participant.
§ 6 Cancellations and schedule changes
Knüvener Mackert GmbH reserves the right to cancel appointments for organizational reasons (e.g. too low number of participants or short-term absence of the speaker due to illness).
Knüvener Mackert GmbH will inform the participant of the cancellation and the reason immediately (without culpable hesitation) and, if agreed, will try to rebook the participant to another date or venue. Otherwise, in the event of cancellation, the participation fee already paid will be refunded in full; there are no further claims, in particular no reimbursement of travel and/or accommodation expenses.
§ 7 Seminar fees
All prices are per person and plus the applicable statutory value-added tax.
The seminar fee includes seminar documentation, coffee breaks, lunch and soft drinks during the event.
Participation in a seminar only temporarily does not entitle you to a reduction in the seminar fee.
Seminars that end with a final examination are subject to additional examination fees, which are billed separately by the respective institutes (IntACS, ISQI, ISTQB, VDA-QMC).
In addition, each seminar can also be booked as an individual in-house seminar.
§ 8 Seminar documents, scope of services, venues and dates
The scope of services, venues and the individual dates of the respective seminars are available online at listed
The seminar documents will be handed out at the beginning of the seminar.
§ 9 Copyright
The seminar documents handed out as part of the events are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced — even in part — without the written consent of Knüvener Mackert GmbH and the respective speakers, in particular using electronic systems, or used commercially.
§ 10 Copyright and trademark rights
Knüvener Mackert GmbH seminars use software that is protected by copyright and trademark rights. This software may neither be copied nor processed or reproduced in any other machine-readable form, nor may it be removed from the seminar room.
§ 11 Liability
All seminars are prepared and conducted with the greatest possible care. An attentive participant can achieve the seminar goals. However, there is no liability for successful training.
Knüvener Mackert GmbH is only liable for damage, regardless of the legal basis of liability, insofar as Knüvener Mackert GmbH, its legal representatives or vicarious agents can be proven to have acted with intent or gross negligence.
This does not apply to liability for personal injury, i.e. damage resulting from injury to life, limb or health and liability under the Product Liability Act, as well as in the event of breach of an obligation whose fulfilment makes the proper execution of the contract possible in the first place and on whose compliance the contractual partner may regularly rely (essential contractual obligations or cardinal obligations).
In the event of slight negligence, the liability of Knüvener Mackert GmbH, its legal representatives or vicarious agents for the breach of essential contractual obligations is limited to foreseeable damage typical of the contract, unless it concerns damage arising from injury to life, limb or health or under the Product Liability Act.
In addition, liability for slight negligence is excluded.
Knüvener Mackert GmbH is not liable for the loss or theft of items brought along.
In the event of contractual and extracontractual liability, all claims for compensation expire within one year of the claim arising and knowledge of the basis of the claim, except in cases of intent, gross negligence, under the Product Liability Act or in the event of personal injury.
§ 12 Data protection
Customer data is stored and processed in strict compliance with the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG).
Customer data, such as name, address, communication data, place of residence or place of business, are stored and processed in machine-readable form, insofar as this is necessary to execute the contract with the participant.
§ 13 Payment terms
The fees are due immediately upon receipt of the invoice without deduction. Invoicing is usually sent by post, on request by email.
All payments are due immediately and without deduction.
There will be a delay if the customer fails to pay again following a reminder from Knüvener Mackert GmbH.
The first reminder is free of charge. For each additional reminder, the reminder and processing fee is increased by 5.00 EUR.
In the event of late payment, interest on arrears of 5% points above the respective base interest rate for consumers within the meaning of § 13 BGB will be charged.
For legal transactions in which a consumer is not involved within the meaning of § 13 BGB, default interest of 8% points above the respective base interest rate will be charged in the event of late payment.
§ 15 Miscellaneous
Only German law applies.
Reutlingen is considered the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship as the registered office of Knüvener Mackert GmbH, provided that the seminar participant is merchants, legal entities under public law or special funds under public law or if one of the contracting parties has no general place of jurisdiction in Germany or, after conclusion of the contract, transfers their place of residence or habitual residence abroad or if their place of residence or habitual residence is at the time of Complaint is unknown.
§ 15 Salvatory clause
Should individual provisions of these terms and conditions be ineffective or unenforceable or become ineffective or unenforceable after conclusion of the contract, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining part or the remaining clauses.
Status: April 2018
1 In the sense of the AGG, it is pointed out that, for the sake of simplicity, the masculine form of the specified parties is used in each case below.
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